Month: January 2020

Screen Time with Carly & Claire!

Hey Cloggers and Carly’s Crew!

We’re teaming up for our EdTech Inquiry project. As you are currently reading this blog (on a screen), would you ever think about the brain cells you’re losing? Or maybe the ones you’re gaining. Screen time has such a negative view in our current technology-centred society; but, is screen time really bad for you? We’re hoping to dive into this topic as well as look how we, as future educators, can effectively incorporate purposeful screen time into our classrooms!

Our society revolves around technology, and so it is naive of us to simply say that technology shouldn’t be apart of classrooms. Although we would love for our students to play outside all day, they must also have an opportunity to work on a skill that is so necessary in everyday life. Screen time is so much more than simply playing games on a computer and we want to give students the opportunity to learn, discover, and grow via technology.

Our goals are to learn how to incorporate technology effectively and how to have a healthy balance between screen time and real life experiences in the classroom (that being said, you can have great experiences with technology, but nothing replaces face-to-face conversation). The more we educate students about technology and how to properly use it, the safer they will be online when there’s no one monitoring their usage.

Some areas of focus/research for the next couple of weeks include the following: screen time in primary, middle, and secondary classrooms; pros and cons as well as common misconceptions; and what makes screen time effective.

So join us on this adventure! We can’t wait to learn more about our future classrooms and how we can prepare ourselves as educators.

Logging off for now,

Carly and COordt 🙂

EdTech Week 4

Whew! Today’s EdTech class was an exciting change up but it made for a busy day…

We took a field trip to PSII – Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry in Downtown Victoria. The school was founded by Jeff Hopkins and we got to listen to him speak about what makes PSII special and the importance of inquiry based learning. I grew up in Victoria and until today I had never known what PSII had to offer, in all honesty, I didn’t even know it existed. All in all, I had a really great experience learning about PSII today but I am left with lots of questions still. It’s important to remember that it is a high school and that the students that attend it are much older and more responsible than young elementary students.

I think that the inquiry based approach to conquering the curriculum is super cool! It allows students time and freedom to learn about what they want, not just what the teacher wants. Personally, I believe the model at PSII resembles the real world much better than a public high school does. For example, when students need help they are expected to approach the teacher and schedule an appointment that works for them. Students also get to participate actively in the community by going on field trips to local parks, gyms and other facilities. This model gives students the opportunity to be held accountable for their work, however, the model requires an immense amount of self-determination and diligence.

I love that the students get to work at their own pace whether it is individual, collaborative or under the guidance of a teacher. Realistically, this model would be impossible in an elementary school. Early elementary students rely on their teachers and the structure of a classroom. With that being said, there are definitely some take aways that would be a great addition to an elementary school classroom. I think that a guided inquiry project would be perfect for elementary students! Additionally, this model does not fit seamlessly into university. How can you go from having completely personalized learning to entering university and sitting in lecture filled with 200 other people?

I tried to picture myself at PSII and if I’m being honest I don’t think it would be a good fit for me. I love having a timetable and set classes. I would feel overwhelmed without having much guidance from my teachers. I love the idea of being able to choose what interests you in order to complete the curricular competencies but I definitely would need some teacher guidance to get me started. After a few classes on a big idea, I would love the chance to dive deeper into a topic that interests me.

I highly recommend going and checking PSII out. Here are some of the posters that highlight the core values that PSII focuses on. I wonder if you guys would have liked to attend high school like this? Would you ever like to teach in a model like this one?


See you next week!

Free Inquiry Week 3

Hey Carly’s Crew!

Today is the day you have all been waiting for! I made blueberry muffins! 

Please don’t mind the less than perfect photos…maybe my next inquiry will look into becoming a better photographer 😉 Anyways, lets get down to business.

Difficulty level : 5/10 – easy peasy, lemon squeezey!

These muffins were quick to make and used ingredients that most people have hanging around the house. Next time I make blueberry muffins I will be extra careful to fold the blueberries in, instead of  stirring them. In all honesty, I was surprised how purple the batter went because I thought I was being careful…oh well! There is always next time!

Deliciousness level : 7/10

The oatmeal in these muffins definitely added a finishing touch. Not only were they delicious, but they were filling too. It was more than just a sweet treat! The blueberries were sweet and yummy but they’re also filled with antioxidants so you can feel good about eating them.

These muffins were definitely not the healthiest thing to make it. However, I wanted to start with making something that wasn’t too crazy and out of my comfort zone. I really loved using yogurt in the muffins and I definitely will use yogurt again in my healthy baking journey.

If you have never used a silicone muffin tray you are are missing out! I read on one of the health blogs that they are life changing, but I didn’t believe them so I went out and bought one. Let me tell you… they truly are life changing. For one, the muffins popped right out once they were done baking, no fuss and no mess. I didn’t even have to grease the tin or use muffin liners. Also, the tray created perfectly sized muffins that work for a grab and go snack. Treat yourself and go buy a silicone muffin tray!

I would absolutely make these muffins again! I am excited to try making some more adventurous snacks so make sure to check back next week to see what I come up with.

I better get back to baking…bye for now!

P.S – Check last week’s post out if you’re curious to see what recipe I followed!

Ed Tech Week 3

Welcome back Carly’s Crew! 

Today in Tech we dove into the topic of Open Educational Resources. We began by watching a documentary called “RiP! Remix Manifesto Documentary”. The documentary followed a DJ who created mash-ups which brought up many copyright questions and issues. The documentary was pretty intense and really made me think about what is considered copyright infringement
I had never thought about the fact that scientific ideas, such as the cure to cancer, fall under copyright laws as well.

After the documentary we debriefed in small groups and then as a whole class. We learned how to search for creative commons images on Google and it was super easy! After quickly changing the settings on Google Images we were able to see what photos we can reuse without getting into legal troubles. Don’t worry though…all the photos on my blog are allowed to be reused! In fact, some of them are my own photos. 😛

Following along with the topic of Open Educational Resources, we were introduced to a new website that provides teachers with a plethora of educational resources. The website was a little tricky to navigate at first and I think it was partially because we were just playing around. If I were a teacher looking for something specific to share with my class, I feel like it would be super easy due to the specific search options. One thing I noticed was that the curriculum was only linked to the American standards so as a Canadian teacher it makes it a little tricky. Beggars can’t be choosers though and I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to pull up the BC Curriculum and find what fits! Personally, I think that OER would be a super cool research tool to help students work on personalized inquiry projects. For example, if a student was interested in learning about the weather in different biomes, this would be a great activity to physicalize the weather! I chose this topic because I love learning about different habitats and ecosystems but in my elementary school all we ever did was create dioramas and that gets boring pretty quickly. I definitely will look into OER in depth before I begin my practicum this spring. 

See you next week! 🙂

Free Inquiry Week 2

Hi Carly’s Crew!

It’s me again! This past week I have spent a lot of time getting all set up for my healthy baking inquiry. After a meeting with my professor, Rich, I was able to construct my inquiry into a question : How can I refine my baking skills in order to create snacks that are more nutritious? Once I had a clear idea of where my inquiry was heading I was able to create a mind map!

My focus this week was to get organized and make a plan of action. I have found plenty of recipes for healthy muffins, cookies and other snacks that I am super excited to share with you all. Some websites that I have had success with are listed below: 

Oh She Glows –

Amy’s Healthy Baking –

Minimalist Baker –

I feel a little bit overwhelmed after seeing how many healthy baking recipes there are out there! Obviously, by the end of this semester I will not be a professional by any means but I hope that I will gain experience and have fun while doing it. My eyes have been opened already even after just looking at the different ingredients used in these recipes. Sweet potato muffins, black bean brownies, avocado instead of butter? I have no idea how my creations will turn out but it will all be part of the experience. They might be delicious or they might be nasty! To make it easy for all of my dedicated followers, I will be doing ratings for each of my creations. I will give a rating out of ten for difficulty level, and deliciousness level! I’m no Gordon Ramsay but I consider myself to be a tough critic, so if anything is a 10/10 deliciousness you better go try it out!

Lucky for you, next week I will be working on these blueberry muffins so make sure to check back and see how it goes!

The Ultimate Healthy Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

Don’t miss me too much xox

Let’s Learn the Piano!

Hi there Carly’s Crew!

This week I began learning how to play the keyboard! I have never played an instrument in my whole life so this should be an entertaining journey for all of you. I will be blogging every other week to document my progress. I will be sharing both my successes and my struggles…hopefully I will be able to play some songs by the end of the semester! If you are interested in my specific goals, please check out my growth plan!

So far, I have spent lots of time watching Youtube videos in order to get inspired. I’m having some troubles because I keep getting carried away and watching the advanced piano songs and I want to try to learn how to play them…I need to remind myself that I am a beginner and I don’t even know how to play “Happy Birthday”yet! I am very excited to learn and practice the piano and I believe getting motivated is the first step towards mastering something. I definitely won’t be a master by the end of this semester but let’s just say I’m on the right track!

My friend was kind enough to let me borrow her keyboard for the semester. She just dropped it off the other night and I have already began playing around on it. My mom told me she is excited for me to learn an actual song! Here is a picture of my keyboard, her name is Liesl! (named after the Sound of Music)

I’m gonna go start practicing now but I will keep you updated on my progress and hopefully by next week I will be on my way to becoming the next Beethoven!

Free Inquiry Week 1

Let’s get this free inquiry project rolling!

I have decided to do an inquiry into healthy baking. I’m interested in baking snacks that I will be able to pack in my lunch for school! I do have quite a bit of experience with baking because I have always LOVED to bake cookies and treats. This project will allow me to look into healthier options for baking instead of just baking cookies loaded with sugar and chocolate chips. To begin, I will need to research recipes to get some inspiration and see what direction I want to go in. I have always been a fan of watching the cooking channel and watching the short video clips about baking that pop up on my Facebook; these videos will also be great resources as I search for some more inspiration. I haven’t done much research yet but I am excited to learn about healthy alternatives for basic ingredients such as sugar and butter. My goal is to bake a batch of something once a week – it could be cookies, muffins, bars, or anything else that I find online! I’m excited to share my progress with you all through weekly blog posts and pictures. Well I better go get started on some recipe searching and grocery shopping!

See you next week 🙂

EdTech Week 2

Hi again everyone!

Today in class we set up Trello boards to document our inquiry process. I had an easy time setting up my board in comparison to my experience with setting up this blog. It is easily customizable and the website is pretty easy to navigate. Go check my board out! It isn’t perfect yet because I am still working to figure out all the small details. I have never used Trello before but I think it will be a great resource as I work through my inquiry into baking and as I research my EdTech topic. So far I only have good things to say about Trello but I will have to keep you updated as I use it more. One thing that I love is the setting to create a checklist because it is such an easy way to track your progress. Throughout both of my inquiry projects it will be crucial to stay organized and on top of it. The projects will require me to spend time researching or doing hands-on work every week so it definitely will be tricky to not fall behind. With that being said, I am excited and interested in both of these topics so I am ready to work hard and learn lots!

See you next week!

Setting up!

Hi everyone!

Today in technology class I learned how to start a blog. We followed step-by-step instructions to get our blogs set up and I was surprised at how quickly it all happened. It was interesting to see how long the confirmation emails took to be sent out; our whole class had to wait about ten minutes before we were able to finish setting up our sites! I am still in the process of setting up my site and making it look pretty with pictures, videos and other extra links but it is definitely trickier than I anticipated. There is lots of little things to sort it out and I am perfectionist so I am having some troubles. I will keep you updated on how the remainder of my set up goes.

I am guessing you’re probably wondering what this blog will be about! So here it goes.. I will be using this blog to reflect on different educational technologies and to share various inquiry projects with you! For example, in my music class I will be teaching myself how to play the piano and using this blog to share my progress through videos. It will definitely be an interesting experience so please stay tuned!

Blogs are a great tool in school classrooms, however, I think blogs would be most effectively used in a middle years classroom. This is because it can be quite challenging to set up and use the blog. Students need to have strong self regulation and problem solving skills and they need to be confident working individually without direct supervision of the teacher Blogs could be used in classrooms to facilitate personalized inquiry projects. Blogging is a fun and unique way for students to share their thoughts and research with their classmates. One thing that is important to remember is that here are many privacy considerations that need to be talked about before introducing it to students. On the other hand, blogs allow students to work at their own pace, students can write as much or as little as needed and then they have the opportunity to use secondary resources to support their research and share their knowledge.

I’ve always wanted to create a blog and I am so excited to go on this blogging journey with all of you. Talk to you next week!



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