Hi Carly’s Crew,

I had so much fun doing this inquiry and eating all the snacks!  I wanted to wrap up my findings and share some advice for future bakers so check it out…

1: Don’t be afraid of the vegetables 

I tried out some things that were totally out of my comfort zone but that was the purpose of this whole inquiry! I learned a lot about my taste buds and surprised myself a few times (some good, some bad!)

2: Watch videos and read the reviews

Get inspired! You can’t create recipes on your own so you might as well learn from the experts. I also found the comments on recipes really helpful. Sometimes the pictures from the creator aren’t so accurate so make sure you check out how it worked for real people just like you!

3: Create a baking journal

I just thought of this idea recently but it is something that I want to start! Each time you bake something new, add the recipe and your thoughts to a journal. My blog posts acted similar to a journal but I think having it on paper would be super beneficial!

All in all, I loved this inquiry and I want to continue baking healthy options! It has already become a habit, but the recipes are never ending which means I will always have more to learn!

Thanks for following along this journey with me 🙂

Bye for now!